Percentage of Fortune 500 companies founded by New Americans or their children:
Dollars of revenue generated by these companies annually:
People employed by these companies:

On average,
0refugees are admitted to the U.S. every year.
refugees were admitted to the U.S. in 2020, and
were admitted in 2021.

At the end of 2020, there were
0people forcibly displaced worldwide.
Of those 82.4 million,
are refugees under the UNHCR mandate.
Of those 30.3 million,
or 86%, are hosted in developing countries.
Of those 26 million,
are hosted by Turkey,
are hosted by Colombia,
and Pakistan and Uganda each host
Of the 30.3 million refugees under the UNHCR mandate,
originated from just five countries.
Of those 20.6 million,
came from the Syrian Arab Republic,
came from Venezuela,
came from Afghanistan,
came from South Sudan, and
came from Myanmar.