Welcome to our page dedicated to providing information and resources for refugees, immigrants, and their families.

Upcoming event
خدمات مالیاتی رایگان
February 14 and March 28, 2025, Renton Library, WA.
برنامه داوطلبانه گزارش مالیاتی برای جامعه افغانهای مقیم شهرستان کینگ
برای روزهای ذیل، به شمارههای زیر زنگ بزنید و نوبت بگیرید
از طرف دفتر NAAPR با همکاری دفتر PIMSAVVY
Call Aimee at 206-565-2961 Option 4 or Llame a Vanessa, al 206-565-2961 Opción 2

Online Resource | Know your rights: Immigrants’ Rights
ACLU provides guidance on your rights as an immigrant, and how to express them. Visit their webpage to know more. Guidance is also available in the following languages:

Upcoming event
Volunteer Income Tax (VITA) Preparation (VITA), February 14 and March 28, 2025, Renton Library, WA.
NAAPR will be partnering with PIM Savvy to assist in Volunteer Income Tax (VITA) Preparation for all WA residents who qualify for VITA at the Renton Library on February 14 and March 28, 2025 with prior appointment. For more info, visit or call Aimee at 206-565-2961 Option 4 or Llame a Vanessa, al 206-565-2961 Opción 2.